... make him one for whom recognition is most difficultOR, it could actually read,
... make him one for whom recognition is not difficultHow one letter can change everything!!!
a little bit of everything: history, quotes, verses, inspirations, observations, ...
... make him one for whom recognition is most difficultOR, it could actually read,
... make him one for whom recognition is not difficultHow one letter can change everything!!!
[God] desires us to have a rich deposit of grace... Being spiritually wealthy means to have a reserve of grace before God and not to rely on special grace. Poverty is banished by the surplus of grace within.I was impressed that our life is about coming to know the Lord in a deeper way and having a wealth of His grace or experience within our vessel. It's not so much about our physical situation: where we live, how we feel, or whatever. As Christians, we should be persons building up a surplus of grace. It struck me that the Lord has me where I am because He loves me, and He wants me to know Him in a particular way. That's really a blessing.
God is not treating us wrongly when He gives us more trials and difficulties; He is actually treating us very well. He has selected us and has granted us favor by providing us this big opportunity.... The amount of our spiritual wealth is based on the amount of experiences we have passed through.... our hope is not only that we would spend sufficient time before the Lord and pass through enough experiences, but also that we would become vessels unto glory after we pass through these experiences.
MIss Valeria Gunn... was a brilliant student, almost a genius, and took her position equal with them and maintained it throughout the year. Her record was so nearly perfect that at the final reward of honors at Commencement, the judge had to divide the greatly coveted First Honor among the three contestants -- a very unusual thing. Poor Valeria had paid too dearly though, for at the time of Commencement she was ill from having studied too hard. It was that although there was a rule of lights out at ten o'clock, she used candles and continued her study far into the night. She never recovered from this illness; she gradually grew worse, later lost her mind and was sent to an asylum.A male student's observation:
The command is to be temperate in all things. Ambition when carried too far is often destruction.
The plodding, dollar-worshipping, unscrupulous man who possesses energy and economy generally amasses wealth. I can now recall many instances of boys who were the dunces of the school and who became wealthy before they had attained half a century of years, while the bright boys of the school with all his classical attainments, apt quotations and witty repartee, has drifted off into the seedy pedagogue of a little village school, living in a realm of fancy... It is a difficult matter to decide which life is most of a failure, one had only capacity to accumulate and he succeeded, the other had capacity and dreamed his life away. Many men seem never to have a new thought after shutting up their text books when they leave school. Many others seem never to have exercised their minds until they passed from under the perils of the schoolmaster.Perhaps we should follow this student's example:
The fact is I have done less this term than any since I have been in college. Neither of my texts are agreeable. I don't like mental philosophy and astronomy tangles my brain... I wonder if there ever was anybody who had patience enough to spend their time on that mind-confusing book unless they intended to sport among the stars. As for me, this planet, on which we figure, has enough to employ my thoughts if I were to live as old as Methuselah.Or, perhaps "studying hard" was never consistent with your constitution anyway.
day passed as usual -- dull times & hard studying &c &c
~ Oglethorpe student, May 14, 1857
The inference you have drawn, from my letter, of me having an easy time, is entirely a mistaken idea. I arrived here, in an unpropitious time for study, that is one reason why my [grades are] so low. (If, indeed it is so, for I have not seen [them.]) The Class were pretty far advanced in all the books, and consequently I had to stand an examination on a study that I did not get with the Class the first time going over.
...as I am not a fit one to give advice, I will not admonish you concerning your studies: for "studying hard" never was consistent with my constitution.
Above all things never urge upon her too strenuously the "necessity of study", for nothing is so distasteful to me, and I think she is similarly constituted."
I think, (you may not agree with me tho') that it is absolutely detrimental to the mind to try to study now. For the attention can not be fixed on a text book for any length of time. I greatly hoped to finish my education at this place, but now I see no probability of it. College may close in [less] than three or four weeks, and when that happens it will hardly open again, that is, until the war closes.
Thomas Molloy Meriwether was educated at Emory College at Oxford, Georgia. There he met Robert Watkins Lovett, Jr., of Screven County and they became friends and married sisters three times and twin sisters the last time.All I will say is that this leads to a very complex family tree.